Raking it in without
breaking your soul

Action Faker

My dearest friend is an expert action faker.

For years he dreamed of making an online course about managing your anger.

He bought the URL, drafted the outline for his online course, purchased top notch audio and video equipment, set up his recording studio, and then… nothing.

Failure to launch.

*He’s* the one who told *me* about action-faking.

It’s the name for the phenomenon where you make it appear as though you’re building your business because you’re engaging in activities related to it but you never try to get a client.

It’s deceiving, isn’t it? You trick yourself into believing that printing out some business cards is equal to the brave task of actually putting yourself out there.

Of course, creating a way for people to find you is a part of constructing your empire. So is the website and maybe even the recording studio, if that’s your thing.

In Boost & Bloom, I show students how to lay what foundation (and what can be skipped so you don’t waste your time). And we check in, holding each other accountable, year after year.

Action-faking explains why your second cousin Eric has been “planning his launch” for three years.

It’s what Megan was doing for five years before she joined our course. She’d gotten as far as buying the domain name (a classic action faker move). 

“After twenty years in higher education, I was facing an identity crisis. Working with Stephanie provided me with a framework through which I could become crystal clear on the talents that I have and the services that I offer.

The guidance and mentorship helped me work through some perfectionism standards that I didn’t know were holding me back. It really gave me permission to start my own company that I didn’t know I had been waiting for.”

She needed to become an action taker

The difference between action-faking and action-taking is ultimately a matter of confidence.

Hear me out: You know how you’ll be driving to the swanky lounge to meet friends for overpriced tiny bespoke cocktails but you have this nagging feeling you didn’t lock the door behind you when you left the house?

Most people are afraid to put themselves out there and start getting clients because they’re worried they’re forgetting something crucial to success.

You know that working for yourself comes with inherent risk, so you double down on making sure the house is secure.

At some point, Honey, you’ve gotta get to that swanky lounge.

You get confidence when you have a plan to customize and follow and a posse of peers at your back.

Time to decide you’ve done enough homework. You’re adequately prepared. Time to launch.

Do you ever action fake? I don’t do this in business but I’m an expert at shopping online for clothes, adding expensive sweaters to my cart, then never checking out. Total action faker move (but good for my wallet).

What about you? Write to me and tell me where you’re faking.

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