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Community Q & A

Question: Hate the Idea of Marketing?

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  • in reply to: So glad you’re here! #1613

    Hi Everyone:

    What a lovely community! I first encountered Stephanie at a workshop she gave and I remember sidechatting a friend “^^^THIS!!!” because it was the best way I could express the profound feeling of excitement and recognition hearing a data professional be funny, smart, clear, and action-oriented. Stephanie was the first person outside of my immediate family that I told about my business, which is kind of weird but I’m sure it happens to her all the time.

    I’m not sure where I am in my business journey. I’m coming up on a year of deciding that I needed to quit my and starting to spite save for my launch and two weeks of being fully funemployed(but am still working all the time). Businesswise, I’m a little all over the place too. I’m currently writing a proposal (which I was really stalling on until I watched the first lesson and caught a new wave of excitement), building a website, doing some side hustling and also just trying to figure myself out.

    There’s a lot that I HAVE done and CAN do but I’m not sure what I SHOULD do. My thing is that I am exceptionally good at figuring out how to measure complex phenomena in human service fields and I like doing it for organizations that do incredible work but struggle to translate that into generalizable knowledge and demonstrable impact. The lesson on crafting your offer was so helpful to me in thinking “ok that’s what you do but how can you make that a business?”

    I’m so excited to meet all of you, especially since so many of you are in data-related fields. Your messages make me feel so seen and you all have some seriously gorgeous websites. I’m in for chats and office hours and happy hours and whatever. My family and my group chats are very tired of being a sounding board for my business development. My husband always says “if you’re going to be a bear be a grizzly” so here I am crawling out of my cave to say hello


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