Raking it in without
breaking your soul

Is there even such a thing as
a calm entrepreneur?

If you listen to social media, the answer is an enthusiastic no. Honey you gotta hustle. Sleep when you’re dead. Rise and grind. (That IS talking about business, right?)

I bought into that storyline, too. I lasted about six months before a panic attack. Because you know what’s healthy?

Hustle leads to burnout. 

After a decade of launching multiple successful companies, I can look back now and see that the reason I had to hustle so hard was because I had no idea what I was doing.

Totally making it up as I go. That’s hard. And lonely. Isn’t it?

Building your empire is easier when you’ve got a tried and tested plan.

Think about…

How much more thoughtful and authentic you could be when you’re not scrambling to figure out your next step. 

How grateful you’ll feel that you created a life for yourself where you can fulfill your mornings with client meetings and spend the afternoon on your kid’s field trip. (Except I’m definitely picking up muffins for the class from the store. This isn’t some “you can have it all” fantasy.)

How you’ll cry a prideful tear in a windy San Francisco park around complete strangers holding a family barbeque when your financial planner emails with the news that you’re a millionaire.

Get your business blueprint.

I’m Stephanie Evergreen. 

I teach unexpected entrepreneurs how to build an empire because, contrary to common advice, you don’t need an MBA to make a million.

August 31, 2010 I left my salaried job to start my first business.

On that day many years ago, I couldn’t even imagine that I’d be making seven figures a year today. I grew up on baloney and ketchup sandwiches, after all. 

I didn’t inherit seed money. I don’t have a family of entrepreneurs who could advise me.

I didn’t even have a six month runway of savings before I launched.

Like you, I had just a dream and ambition that got louder and louder, demanding that I start to build.

And I celebrate my Independence Day (Imagine! A personal holiday!) by answering questions from people just like you, who have a destination in mind but don’t yet know how to get there.

This Q & A session is filled to the rafters with actionable advice.

You’ll get a dozen ideas for your own business just by watching this one Ask Me Anything session.

Everyone has the right to become an entrepreneur.

The world may not have always shown that to you. But the grit and tenacity you grow in response to adversity is exactly what you need – and ALL you need – to build your own evergreen empire. 

Won’t it be awesome to pop a cork on your own Independence Day?

Turn your daydreams into dollars.

You’ve got two ways to keep benefitting from my unconstrained (but, honestly, very good) business advice.

Do both.

Sign up for Bearing Fruit,
my newsletter.

Articles drop every other Friday. 

You don’t even need weekly patience. I’ll point you to a podcast interview where you’ll learn a ton.

Enroll in Boost & Bloom,
my online course.

Doors open again Jan 2025.

Promise not to keep you waiting long. I’ll send you my article on branding as soon as you sign up.

We’ll never share your information with anyone else. How gross.

This is what people say about my business advice 👉🏽 “You strike an amazing balance of problem solving plus instilling confidence.” 

Heard the word about my mentoring program? My students see success like this:

I can’t believe how financially well we are doing compared to where we were when I began the mentoring program.


Your mentorship program was such an amazing opportunity to build my efficacy and persevere through self-doubt that crept in when I first started working independently. Now I love the clients I get to collaborate with and am grateful for all the flexibility I have to devote to my family and my career.


I have known all along what I need to do. But over the course of this year and being in this group my confidence in being able to do it has absolutely skyrocketed.


Evergreen mentoring was the best gift I could give to myself at age 50. Thank you Stephanie, you are a treasure.


Students finish my programs with a massive income increase, eating confidence for breakfast.

The practical, on-point guidance I’ve been giving for years has finnnnnnnalllllllllly come together into an online course: Boost & Bloom.

The course will walk you through how to engineer your empire:

Laying your foundation
The building blocks of your brand you absolutely need to keep your business working for you

Securing structural supports
The team and tech to gather, how to price yourself, all the nitty gritty good stuff that most people keep a secret

Raising the roof
Positioning yourself to scale to six and seven figures

Here’s what I know: You bloom when you make room. Your business only grows the way you want it to when you make a committed space in your life to focus on it.

After twenty years in higher education, I was facing an identity crisis. Working with Stephanie provided me with a framework through which I could become crystal clear on the talents that I have and the services that I offer.

The guidance and mentorship offered through her modules also helped me work through some perfectionism standards that I didn’t know were holding me back from launching my company.

This gave me permission to start my own company that I didn’t know I had been waiting for.


Boost & Bloom is a course for legacy-building entrepreneurs.

It’s for the hopeful & hungry who hate the hustle. It’s where we turn daydreams into dollars.

Want first dibs on the course? Get on the VIP list, I’ll even send a VIP-only discount before class opens.

Bout time you became the boss.

Here’s how I became the boss of this, my third company.

I was vacationing lake-side with my family, awake at 3am with an idea for a brand new business. I just couldn’t shake it and get back to sleep.

I found a stack of rainbow colored post it notes in the kitchen drawer of the Airbnb and by the time my family woke up I had sketched out the details.

Then I did approximately NOTHING for, like, 4 months.

I got scared. That I wouldn’t have anything unique to offer. That I couldn’t manage adding one more thing, as cool as it is, to my life. That no one would be interested in buying from me. That I wouldn’t be able to do it right.

Yes, even after launching multiple businesses, writing several books, and leading a multi-7-figure company, you can still get imposter syndrome.

Are you relating to this?

I had to tackle some major mindset issues (that I can’t WAIT to tell you about) before I finally did the thing. I bought the URL.

Screenshot of tweet where I say "I bought the URL for a new adventure this morning. *deep breath*"

The thing that finally shook me out of my worries is this: At the core, I want you to be compensated well for doing the work you love. My mission is to teach you how to grow your own 6- and 7-figure business.

You’ve got an idea that’s going to change the world, even if it’s just a tiny corner of the world.

Maybe your idea is already in action and your business is running but it’s not bringing you the joy and cash flow you need for a full and happy life.

Maybe you hatched your idea, like me, but it’s still nesting in your heart, waiting for your mindset issues to get out of the way.

Maybe you are referring to yourself as a “freelancer” and wondering how you’ll ever get to six figures.

Wherever you are on your entrepreneurial journey, I’ve been there. And I’ve mentored others who have been there.

So here’s my plan (inscribed in the front of my business journal):

Entrepreneur embarks on a mission to create 100 new millionaires.

Want to come along?

I’ve built out my course, Boost & Bloom, where I poured out everything I know about how to build an Evergreen Empire.

If the idea of an empire brings to mind this:

or this

I get it. But that’s not an Evergreen Empire. We don’t worship villianiares.

Over here, we’re reinvesting our income back into our communities, building intergenerational wealth, and keeping our values at the core of our companies.

We can rake it in without breaking our souls.

Add your name and email below to join my biweekly newsletter. I’ll send you new articles about building your empire every other Friday.

You’ll also get first notice about the next Boost & Bloom course launch.

*deep breath*

Taking a big step is HARD but it’s so much easier when you can follow the people ahead of you and do it together.

With love,

This is the same legal disclaimer you see on every weight loss commercial: results are not guaranteed. In fact, building an empire is hard. It’s subject to the whims of society. You have to be in it for the long haul, ok?

This is not a disclaimer I’ve ever seen in any weight loss commercial: I operate knowing Black Lives Matter and vaccines save lives. I believe we owe it to each other to continually learn how to be better people in this world. I don’t get it right every single time, but inclusivity is a core value around here. If you are looking to start a graphic design business that makes bumper stickers for white supremacists, I’m not your gal. Peace out.