Gerren Young will teach you how to build your own coffin. Long before you need it for that purpose, it can be a bookshelf. Or a coffee table (coffeen table? Stop me now.).
What a freakin wild idea, right?
90% of people are gonna be like, WTF? No. Weird. No.
But the 10% who want to have a hand in the construction of their final home? Absolutely geeked. Never a cooler idea. How fast can I sign up?
And that’s the power of having a niche.
The funnel between someone first hearing about this business idea and deciding whether to buy is extremely short.

This makes marketing very easy for Gerren. He just has to talk to the 10% of enthusiasts. Gerren won’t waste much time at all trying to convince the 90% to grow a desire to build their own coffin. You’re either in or out.
It’s akin to making your Bumble profile photo that one of you in the chicken costume at a pirate-themed bar. Many folks are swiping left but the few that swipe right have a really high potential of being your match because they understand your vibe.
Declaring a niche can seem so scary, like you’re just cutting off a huge pool of potential customers.
But all you’re really doing is cutting out the people who weren’t going to vibe right with you anyway.
And saving yourself a ton of marketing effort, worry, and dead end conversations.
Pick a niche.
Then expand later if you want.
For example, Gerren could develop a Build-a-Crib workshop and quickly hook in customers literally for their whole lives.
But if Gerren was like Hey I can teach you to make anything with wood! He could scream this from the highest hilltop in Kalamazoo and no one would care.
There’s nothing to hook in to.
A niche is not “I design data visualization.”
It’s “I create Tableau dashboards that actually work for public health departments.”
A niche is not “I teach financial planning.”
It’s “I teach millennial women how to invest in the stock market as an act of feminism.” Now we have something to sink our teeth into.
Your niche is your strength and your strategy for simplicity.
How detailed have you gotten about your niche? What’s holding you back from being even more specific? Email me.