Raking it in without
breaking your soul

Friday is for Building your Empire

When I worked for someone else, I’d naturally have thoughts about getting the heck out of there Monday through Thursday. But I’d shove those thoughts way deep down out of some guilt that I was plotting my escape on my employer’s dime.

As if my thoughts would show on my face and HR would see it and dock my pay.

But Fridays?

Friday is for empire-building.

That’s why this newsletter is switching from an every-Tuesday schedule to an every-other-Friday rhythm.

By Friday, chances are that you’ve already accomplished whatever objectives you had for the work week. And if you haven’t you’re probably spent. Your brain is done.

You’re already anticipating the weekend.

Not gonna lie, when I was an employee for someone else, you could find me scrolling through shoes that won’t fit my feet on a Friday afternoon.

Until I started using that time to plan out my empire.

Since HR can’t actually police your thoughts, this is your opportunity to think through one business decision.

What will you call your empire?

Who is your ideal client?

Do you want to launch an online product?

Way smarter to think through these ideas before you actually quit your day job. There’s a ton of groundwork to lay – do it now. My Friday newsletters will keep feeding you new prompts.

And take one action. Maybe on your lunch break.

Draft up a blog post. (I’m literally typing this on a Friday.)

Mess around with logo ideas in Canva.

Find an accountant.

One idea. One action. Every Friday.

Now that my Evergreen Empire is well-established, I still use my Fridays for thinking my big thoughts, developing my business infrastructure, and taking the behind-the-scenes actions that keep the empire growing.

I’ll often do this from a kayak, on a bike ride, or in my garden.

This Friday – today – I’m gonna read your emails. So write me back with your one idea and one action.


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