My First Million
“Quick, take my picture.” I said to my partner. This is what he snapped. It’s the moment I became a millionaire. I knew the day would be coming soon and I was expecting the email from my financial planner to drop any second. My partner and I happened to be…
Easy Social Media
Why is social media so freaking scary? Oh yeah, because people on the internet can be real jerks. So much so that a lot of folks are pre-intimidated. Like, too afraid to even put anything out there in case a jerk happens to come along. I just heard…
Make Yourself Take Vacation
This is what my face looks like on vacation. It isn’t just the culture, nature, and sunshine giving me that glow. It’s that I’m not at work. Don’t get me wrong. I often send tweets with #ILoveMyJob because all of my work is deeply fulfilling. But it’s also…
Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen
I am not proud to admit this, but I spent $10,000 on 8 weeks of business coaching. The course was pitched for high-earning (that’s me), executive-level (also me) women who were burning out (ahem, me too). I’d be happy to share that I forked up 10 grand if I…
Don’t Freelance
“I’m a freelancer” sounds sexy because media imagery involves rich athletes looking to trade teams or courageous journalists helicoptering to the next international assignment. But in reality, saying you freelance is more like packaging a Le Beccherie tiramisu in a Tootsie Roll wrapper. Don’t be freelancer.