When to Disappoint Others
I lost my time, energy, and I risked my reputation. And as an entrepreneur, time, energy, and reputation are all you’ve got. Save yourself and disappoint others.
What You Call Yourself
In some ways, it doesn’t matter what you call yourself. On the other hand, what you call yourself can bring a sense of accomplishment & confidence. It matters.
How to Make the Most of a Conference
I made a very expensive rookie mistake. It started back in 2019, so I can’t even blame the pandemic. I had my sights set on a new-to-me conference taking place in Europe. The conference theme was about climate change and I proposed a short talk on how data visualization can…
The Scott Whisperer
Scott used to be my boss. He was, to put it mildly, weak on vision, mission, and listening. Like – the things a leader has to do well. It would be one thing if his tunnel vision and out-of-touch mindset led to new heights for the company. But he’s…
The Three Part Pitch
Trish had been trying to land this dream client for over a year. In that time, she’d sat through many meetings, co-creating a scope and work plan. But, especially after a change in leadership, the group was adrift in thought and Trish was working without a contract. Trish needed…
Friendship Folders
People drop details about their lives & I respond in the moment but forget when we x out of Zoom. I build better relationships with a Friendship Folder.
How I Almost Killed My Summer
Too much of any good thing is gonna hurt. That’s how you burn out. So, just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you have to. Right now. Or ever.
Signs You Can Quit Your Day Job
While there’s no one path to entrepreneurship, let me sort out when you’ll know you’re ready to take that leap. These are the signs you can quit your day job.
Being Strung Along
The thing about being strung along by a potential client is you often don’t know til it’s too late. Let my students’ hindsight become your foresight.
Client Red Flags
Your red flag list is how you create boundaries. It’s how you generate an empire where the atmosphere is respect. It saves you stress headaches. It’s peace.
Find Your Edge
Your market is crowded. The way to stand out is to find your edge – the thing that makes you different. The cinnamon caramel in a world of vanilla ice cream.
Books Are Not Lucrative
Publishing a book will not make you rich. You aren’t Stephen King. You don’t get advances. But writing a book makes you more visible. Heck, write anything.
When You’re a Threat
How the funniest work moment of the year led me to realize I, the outside consultant, was a big threat – and what to do when you find yourself in this situation.
Robin Hood Pricing
You might conclude the only choices are to cast your lot with your community & a low salary or sell out with Mr. Moneybags & guilt. Let me offer a third option.
My Epic Pandemic Business Mistake
The trouble with the Yes to All Approach is that you backbend your offer to make it fit what each client wants, even if you aren’t actually flexible. aka It hurts.
Singing into the Ocean
Prepare for In the Zone time. It doesn’t just happen by chance. It’s a result of how you set up your circumstances. And: Don’t over-engineer your environment.
Just Close Shop
When I started my first business I got high from every new client email. When Thanksgiving hit and my supply of new clients went dry, I’d go through withdrawals.
Listen to this.
The largest obstacles you face in growing a business live in your head. Let’s rewire some of those circuits. Think of this as my mixtape for your mindset.
Figuring Out Your Next Big Move
Whether pivoting your career or branching off your existing business, you leap into the unknown. 6 – 12 months exploring these 3 areas tells you where to go.
Two Phrases Every Entrepreneur Should Know
You don’t need to know e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g but you do need faith you can figure it out. Talented entrepreneurs find the answer even if they don’t have it now.
How to Get Sh*t Done
If you have dreams but struggle to actually take the steps to make them real, work through these three rules. This is how you find focus and get sh*t done.
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
The closer we got to the workshop date, the more we started compromising the level of quality that lived in our hearts because we were up against a deadline.
Nights & Weekends
When I was first hatching the idea of my side hustle, I got advice about how to know when it’s time to quit your day job. I’ve heard a dozen answers to this…
3 Ways to Beat Back Imposter Syndrome
Welcome to entrepreneurship. These feelings don’t really go away. The trick is to figure out how to manage them. Let’s manage the #1 killer of dreams.
Cake Bakers
The reality is, opening a bakery doesn’t mean you bake cakes all day. And starting your business doesn’t mean you’ll do the one thing you love doing all day long.